=" mingusandthebitch: Attentiveness and Poise Financed by Cheddar Cheese Cookies


Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Attentiveness and Poise Financed by Cheddar Cheese Cookies

It must have been a fascinating concert in the park! Or, maybe it was a lecture on canine etiquette in four star hotels??? Or, how to pretend you are completely fascinated with the television show host AND HER HUGE BAG OF 5 YR AGED WHITE CHEDDAR CHEESE BISCUITS. I was at the head of the class of course--pictures don't lie, do they? What's "staging"?

There's a lot of talk around here about civil, uncivil, civility and inhumanity, inhumanity under the guise of civility.... somehow I don't think a new dog biscuit is going to be invented through this line of thinking.

Are most men born with guns, armed in utero? And the ones we know had to surrender their armaments to get an audience with us? My Bitch's men say that her words can wound as badly as a gunshot wound, but then none of them have ever suffered a gunshot wound, so how would they know? She only wounds them with words when they are being complete numb skulls (in her opinion). If they recover they pass muster, if they don't, they didn't. The Bitch has a low tolerance for stupidity in her men. Does that make her intolerant? Sometimes cute and stupid passes muster for a little while, but not very long. I think if she's going to tolerate stupid she should tolerate stupid and extremely rich and generous, don't you?

I'm lucky to be a domesticated animal apparently, since humans use and abuse of the environment, and their dumping of plastic crap everywhere means the tides are full of plastic crap that wild birds and animals are mistaking for food, and therefore, eating it, and it has no nutritional value and is killing wildlife ingesting it, or they are getting caught up in flotsam and being entangled in plastic and dying encumbered in plastic. By contrast, I eat better than most humans, but then, I am better than most humans according to some ....

Oh, and the French and the Brits (via the figureheads of state) are the best of friends again, UNITED AGAINST A COMMON ENEMY. They think together they will "win Afghanistan". Right! It's a pledge and celebration of their mutual regard for the militarized state, a nod to passive aggression and overt aggression. Well, we are on the right hand of power apparently, so dinner at my house will probably continue to be delivered on time.

It is good optics to see the new cutie of a French pres and his very-liberated-and-easy -on- the-eyes-wife-with-many-benefits gracing the dowdy dowd of the Windsor's family dinner! Gawd, we hope the food is better than the energy in the chilled room. No wonder they only accepted a single overnight at the castle! Two nights and you might lose your mojo forever!!!! Could Queenie wear any more of those royal jewels at one sitting???? One can never wear too many thirty pound brooches and papal-style jewel-encrusted necklaces with your silk potato sack of a gown, now can one?

We have a day off tomorrow! Sure, she says that all the time! She's going to a concert .... cheating on our friend Ian Parker and going to listen to another young pianist cause she can't fly to Ireland and back for an overnight and a concert since she isn't Eurotrash with a big bank account. What's with that? She's too old to be Eurotrash I guess.

I'm going to bed. Goodnight friends.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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