=" mingusandthebitch: Are Dead Dogs Just "Lost"?


Monday, January 28, 2008

Are Dead Dogs Just "Lost"?

January 29, 2008.

I'm soon gonna be the last stud standing... my special dog-sitter, Suzanne, lost her pal, Gus, yesterday.... the kind of lost that doesn't result in "found" and "a reward" either...
Well, maybe he'll meet up with my brother, Chase, and they can hang out together and surf for mussel shells wherever they are. Where are they anyway???? If I agree to go in an elevator for a ride I wonder if I could be with my brother, Chase, again ... sometimes I got mad at him--like when he would tear the head off my big humpy gorilla and the ears off of our stuffed Labrador Retriever (and then my ex-Dad would sew the Lab ears onto the humpy gorilla head and see if he could change my sexual proclivities!!! Please! I can tell the difference between a stuffed plush gorilla and a stuffed plush Labrador Retriever, even if I can't tell the difference between coiffed poodles!)--but even though I got mad at him occasionly, I haven't found another soul mate like him that fits together with me like he did. Every other dog the Bitch has brought around since Chase died just feels like a bad and boring date. Well, I still have My Bitch, and all the beds and fur blankets to myself...

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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