=" mingusandthebitch: Dogs, Dopamine, Frogs, Hopes of Mine


Sunday, February 3, 2008

Dogs, Dopamine, Frogs, Hopes of Mine

Feb 3, 2008.

I don't know what my bitch is on about now, "kissing fish, kissing frogs, how many do you have to kiss until you find a prince? how high is the risk of warts?" We don't have any fish or frogs. I'd better keep her on a short lead near the pond today! Why can't she be happy just kissing me? I'll have to find a way of increasing her dopamine levels when she gazes at me, so that she'll collapse into her old romantic self when she looks at me.

I was really wanting to just watch football today!


Several of my aunties were here for dinner, and my bitch brought out my photo history and my correspondence with Kora, my only Rottweiler girlfriend, who I had a fax correspondence with because no one used e-mail in those days.... Kora must have gone into an elevator like Chase and Gus ... I like to think that is what happened to her and that she didn't just stop loving me, or that My Bitch and Kora's Master just decided that our mutual love of terrorizing poodles warranted separating us forever ...

Well the dopamine is flowing in My Bitch again and she's sort of over shitty date... I wish I was a man (not really, but if it made My Bitch happier then I guess I'd be a dumb ass man for her)...

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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