=" mingusandthebitch: Valentine's Day, Dalantine, Snoopy


Thursday, February 14, 2008

Valentine's Day, Dalantine, Snoopy

February 14, 2008.

I know I'm her Valentine, I do, but how many more are there anyway? She says I'm the only old black Labrador Retriever in her life, her one and only true love, but I don't feel it in my back legs (which she brushed this morning I might add and it was tickly and hurt too--I asked for morphine but she called me a junky and just kissed my head and cleaned my ears instead!).... She sure talks on the phone a lot--if I'm her one true love shouldn't she only want to talk to me and only me? I know, I'm being an old possessive little and furry dink.

Her funniest Valentine so far today came from Uncle Dal, of course! It is a picture of him draped in some red curtains with the hanger wires still in them. He's supposed to be one of the Arabian knights we think. Even I laughed, which made me choke on my saliva!

My Bitch sent a Valentine lecture to her up-tight English Lover about St. Valentine, the freedom fighter.... he hates lectures, but he loves sex. That makes two of them. Hey wait a minute! Right, that still makes me the only old black Labrador Retriever in her life that I know of. Unless Health Regulations is a black Labrador Retreiver????

Oh, she's taking me to the beach, something about a massacre..... and pinstripe suits. I don't know, I don't hear so good anymore! But there's dried salmon treats involved so I'm going!

Love and love and kisses and love,

copyright 2007 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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