=" mingusandthebitch: Rack of Lamb, Lunar Eclipse and Why Don't Dogs Cry?


Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Rack of Lamb, Lunar Eclipse and Why Don't Dogs Cry?

Sure, all high art jibberish talk over candlelight, and barely any of that rack of lamb for me! Honestly, why do I love her and shed on her clean sheets to the degree I do???? She's a one way street without my name on it! Once I'm gone, she'll get over me and that will be that. I'll be some bunch of pictures, some words about me, some tears she'll stop shedding, someone she'll talk about only occasionally who she won't be rushing home to... it's depressing... but it's predictable....

Oh, sure, lick the leftover lamb juice Mingus, but don't sit at the table where the chops are!

I wish I could hate her.


Apparently there was an eclipse last night. I thought it was a blimp hanging in the sky. I told you my eyesight is failing. I can still spot a rabbit at 1000 feet though (I just can't quite catch one though). We had a romantic day of snuggling after she'd left me to have breakies with Auntie V and Uncle K. She asked me why dogs don't cry and I didn't know the answer but I got salmon treats even though I didn't have the answer. She and Auntie Barb played downward dog without me again because of that puppy, "Health Regulations", otherwise I would be the one to show the class what a real downward dog looks like.


copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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