=" mingusandthebitch: Wise or Just Old? My NIkes are wearing out....


Friday, November 14, 2008

Wise or Just Old? My NIkes are wearing out....

So, I hippihopped down the stairs this morning in an effort to save T.B.'s back for a change and to impress her that I could go down on my own and she didn't have to carry me, and I did, and I peed, and I sniffed around, and then I had a damn seizure when I got back into our den. It was a happy seizure in My Bitch's lap, cause she saw it coming and caught me and snuggled me through it, but I'm pissed. My Nikes are wearing out as you can see in this picture, and yes, I realize I can't run anyway, but I liked the soft deep cushion of my younger feet. I know it is okay, T.B. loves me and fends for me no matter what. I wish I could still do the same for her.


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