=" mingusandthebitch: Laryngeal Paralysis Next?


Friday, November 7, 2008

Laryngeal Paralysis Next?

Will the indignities never end? We just get my hind quarter working a little better and now I'm likely to asphixiate! Who designed us? What moron gave us one big muscle and one long nerve to control such a long and important area from the top of my head, down my throat, around my heart and back up to my larynx??? Very f__king funny! I'm not amused, even if it means The Bitch strokes me most of the day and night. She looks like hell I might add when she doesn't get any sleep.

I'm breathing. I'm breathing. She said to consider it as doing Yoga together and practicing our deep breathing. Fact is, I can still do a better downward dog than T.B. can, so I can probably master deep breathing in a jiffy too!


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