=" mingusandthebitch: Guy's Guy


Sunday, August 3, 2008

Guy's Guy

Occasionally, I armchair travel with T.B. looking at pathetic pictures of claiming to be "available" guys looking for longterm commitment. (I won't get into a diatribe on the "C" words: cancer and commitment). Anyway, a lot of these guys post pictures of themselves with their car. I haven't broken the code on that one yet. I think it is evidence that they can find their way home when T.B. turfs them... I dunno....

Being one who likes to try to fit in on occasion, here I am with my car....

T.B. prefers surfing the gay availability sites when it comes to armchair travel. On those sites the guys are cut and often naked and the interior design in the background is usually better.....

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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