=" mingusandthebitch: Codependence


Wednesday, July 2, 2008


I forgot to ask Chase whether he's seen Woody or Icy? I wonder if Woody can do the sandwich with his grandmother's sister in the afterdeath???? I dunno, was Woody codependent or just passive aggressive the way he always had to be in exactly your space--even airspace?????

What's the difference between afterglow and afterdeath? That isn't a rhetorical question! I'm serious! I'm trying to sound intelligent--maybe intelligence will keep imminent death at bay????
I think T.B. is more afraid of my death than I am. Well, I know she is. She's gonna be all alone. Totally alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. No love. Kapput. Whereas I'll be going to see all my friends and family and maybe some of her friends and family too!

Mingus, the less afraid

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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