=" mingusandthebitch: Dog Park Picnics


Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Dog Park Picnics

Two things. One, "why do people and their screaming children who are terrified of dogs insist on coming to the dog park at dinner time and flying kites?" I think this is a plot by the parents to have their children chased down while running with their kite and eaten by a couple of hungry Rotties, a modern take on the Romans feeding slaves to the lions for everyone's amusement.

Two, how do I find out if the two cute guys next to us who laid out a nice picnic and treated their dog like a prince are straight and would like to adopt T.B.? She says they are too cute, well-groomed and domesticated to be straight guys in this town, but I say that they may just be new arrivals and she should act quickly and secure a two for one! Only I can't talk so I can't say this.

I'm going to last through picnic season, but I have to secure her future SOON.

Mingus, the worrier

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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