=" mingusandthebitch: From the Yacht Club to The Runway


Friday, May 2, 2008

From the Yacht Club to The Runway

I know, I can't be a member at RVYC because of Stupid Health Regulations, but I used to crap on their beach occasionally anyway... though T.B. always cleaned up after me.....

Today was preparation for Spring Fashion Season. I like to try to match the City of Vancouver's garbage cans whenever possible, so today I wore my dead brother's coat to the park. Mine is grey and his is green, and well I guess he doesn't need it anymore so I get to wear it if I choose. He was so prissy about us ever trading clothes....

There was some strange super-sized gerbil pretending to be a dog at the auditions.

One contestant had the nerve to sniff the cologne I put on my heels, I mean hoofs......

I was selected to model this season's Mandarin collar....

while the kinky hoof-sniffer modeled his birthday suit.....

He was kinda cute..... and in the rearguard

Macho Ming

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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