=" mingusandthebitch: Labrador Retriever Movements


Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Labrador Retriever Movements

Ha! I'm walking better than The Bitch today, who put her back out lifting me out of the car! I'm a marathoner compared to her at the moment! She thinks Yoga is going to fix this? Ha! She's begging me for Cartrophen! She's downward dogging and crawling on her knees, and raising her knees, and lying flat and deep-breathing and downwarddogging and muscle relaxenting, and can hardly straighten up when she stands up and is pretending she can drive just fine and carrying on, but can hardly move! Now she knows how I feels some days when I just refuse to walk. Now she knows! She's the Queen of denial. Let's see who can get up the stairs to bed first now, huh, who????

Mingus the Spry!

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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