=" mingusandthebitch: I Am Not Charlie Mingus


Friday, April 18, 2008

I Am Not Charlie Mingus

I'm tone deaf, or is that stone deaf? Anyway, I can't hear and I certainly cannot play the bass, nor the piano, and the only thing I have ever composed is some peoples' and some dogs' nerves .... I am not Charles Mingus, have never been Charles Mingus, will never be Charles Mingus! I told you, I was named "Cool Blue" until My Bitch bought me at the slave post for $600. (she would have had to pay another $600. for me if she wanted to stud me, but she had my nuts chopped off instead) and SHE CHANGED MY NAME!

That's me in front of George Norris' sculpture "Crab" at the Vancouver Planetarium. That is another place that I'm refused entry because of that puppy "Stupid Health Regulations". I'm getting tempted to put a contract out on "Stupid Health Regulations" who is stealing My Bitch from me all the time!

Now, I wish the paparazzi would just leave me alone!

Mingus, the grumpy

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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