=" mingusandthebitch: Mingus On Escaping Fans, Sex, and Truth


Saturday, March 29, 2008

Mingus On Escaping Fans, Sex, and Truth

I know it isn't exactly "Abbey Road" but even I have to pick up the pace to duck away from fans! Look at the transfixed intent in the eyes of those two crazed Golden Retrievers desperate for my pawagraph or to lick my chops!

My Bitch is busting a gut watching the Clinton Lie Cycle! (She's too impatient and distracted at present for the ring cycle!) Will one of then come forward and talk honestly about sex in this campaign thing? If it is going to keep bringing down the house, how about a frank discussion here since we don't get one on foreign policy, domestic policy, or the economy etc... (I told you, My Bitch is delusional! She thinks "truth" has value. Too much Aristotle and Socrates in curriculum or mother's milk or something...)

Let's hear some truth about SEX! A nice little round table on just what kind of sex the campaigners like, or why they don't much like sex with their spouse, or how there never seems to be time for sex with their spouse who refuses to get it on in the campaign bus bathroom. The spouses of the candidates could run the forum... Bill is the one with the most mojo, we think he should lead the way to a good Mambo tune .... They could explore publicly such topics as "sneaking around as an aphrodisiac" or "getting caught" as the ultimate turn-on, or "how secrecy in foreign policy is more effective than intimate secrecy".... Watch those ratings soar! Is it not better to have a frank discussion on sexuality bringing down the Empire, than another series of foreign policy fiascos and the economy pulling down the Empire?????

Personally, I don't really care since I can't hear any of it anyway, and I don't see how the outcome of this election will affect my wild salmon supply. I just don't want to have to defend myself from overly enthusiastic fans that I can't run from because my back legs don't work properly anymore! Tomorrow I start a new protocol with my Doc. INJECTIONS! I didn't know they could INJECT LIVER BROWNIES INTO ME!!!! HOW COOL IS THAT?!?!????

Mingus, the elder

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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