=" mingusandthebitch: Lead up to Christmas 2007


Sunday, December 23, 2007

Lead up to Christmas 2007

December 23rd

The food is getting richer around here and more colorful. I had mashed garnet yams in my breakfast this morning and left over lamb, very nice... Why can't I have eggnog in coffee???

Yes, that is me and the old yellow bitch I lived with in the 1990s named Icy, in the group photo on the cover of "Dog City Vancouver". Today, some more strangers made a short film about me with their new video camera. Sigh. I know I should be flattered, but I find sychophancy so nauseating. So I'm beautiful, do you really think that capturing my beauty on film is a worthwhile endeavor? Sigh.

We're listening to Dinah Washington singing "You Don't Know What Love Is", with Terry Clark on tenor sax. I like Eartha Kitt better, and my namesake of course.... my human Mom just saw Eartha Kitt in N.Y. while she was there with her best human friends in the world, T & V and their daughter, who is like her little sister, H…. I know, there are so many complicated relationships in my life…. You don’t have to worry about keeping them straight (so many of them swing in a variety of ways in any case!) I’ll try to keep them all in perspective as I tell my tail, or is that, tale???? of the many trials in my exhausting life! good-bye, my liver brownies are defrosted now.

copyright 2007 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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