=" mingusandthebitch: Confessions of a Sometimes Abused Studfriend


Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Confessions of a Sometimes Abused Studfriend

I can admit it now, in a way I was too ashamed to while I was with Kora .... I was in a sexually abusive relationship with Kora who was always insisting I push the limits of my own comfort levels... she demanded that I pose exposed like this... and I did, BUT NOT WITH A PICTURE OF MY FACE!!!

She also suggested after I was neutered, which is a responsible decision in a world of unloved and unwanted puppies, that I GET NEUTICAL IMPLANTS so I didn't look "ball-less" to her Germanic friends. That was the reason for our first break-up ... her vain pretenses, her lack of respect for my informed choices....

Another time when I asked her to rescue me from a gay bar spa that My Bitch had sent me to in the West End, she suggested that I just relax and use the back door and have some fun and that my Bitch had sent me there for a reason while she went on a holiday to Hawaii and sent me to the West End.....

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