=" mingusandthebitch: Cartrophen is My Friend and My Thoughts on Lack of Trust


Monday, March 31, 2008

Cartrophen is My Friend and My Thoughts on Lack of Trust

Okay, I almost passed out just going into the Vet's beautiful clinic, but don't let good interior design fool you either, you might be taken to the Vet for the FINAL VISIT, with or without an elevator trip.... you never know what these insane humans have in store for you.... sure The Bitch took me to Kits Park before the Cartrophen shot, but look what she did with my brother, she got him high, she fed him all those luxury foods, and then she had him offed in his bed, she might as well be "The Godfather" and she wonders why I'm trembling and fainting when she takes me to the Vet after a nice walk in the park.... TRUST, TRUST, HOW CAN I TRUST YOU?????

Anyway, the injection wasn't Liver Brownies, but rather, Cartrophen, and I do feel a little better, but I'm still not sure I CAN TRUST T.B.. I'll sleep with her, but I'll have one eye open.....

copyright 2008 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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