=" mingusandthebitch: Boxing Day 2007


Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Boxing Day 2007

Helping Icy When Seizures Struck; Resting After Passing Out at Dog Beach on Boxing Day

Boxing Day 2007
I scared my Mom, I mean my Bitch, and worried her gay husband at Spanish Banks today when I keeled over at the doggy beach and it looked like quick rigor mortis right there at the beach. I don't know what happened exactly, but one minute I was standing and the next I had fallen over on my side. When I came to my Mom I mean my Bitch was lying in the cold sand next to me with her coat over me and stroking my head and her gay husband was offering to go get the car. But I got up and walked back to the car just fine. Do you think I have a heart condition now? Icy used to have seizures when she was my age and the rest of us pooches would lie beside her, or put our muzzles on top of her tummy when she had them, just like my Bitch did with me. I guess she learned to do that from us. We'd put our heads on Icy until she came to again and she never remembered much. She'd get up and start sniffing around for food almost immediately. She was a cool ole gal. .... Is it possible that one day I won't be here with my MomBitch, I'll just stay in that place where I went when I blacked out? Whose going to love my Mom then? Whose she going to cook salmon for then? There will never be another Mingus, that's for sure!

copyright 2007 Christine Saulnier, Mingusandthebitch

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