=" mingusandthebitch: Prince Arrived By Elevator


Friday, April 22, 2016

Prince Arrived By Elevator

Darling Mingus and Chase,

You are in for a treat!  Mega brilliant artist/musician, Prince, just arrived by elevator!  (He was afraid of the dark side of the elevator too Mingus.).  Join his posse darlings.

Chase, I had an interesting dream about you this week wherein you declared that you wanted to leave our family.  I asked you to take 48 hours to reflect on this decision and you agreed.  We had a terrific, normal 48 playing and being grateful for the beauty of our environment and the simplicity and joy in our hearts.  When the 48 hours were up you told me you decided to stay with us because you realized that we worship the same God (of abundance, love and grace).  You put your blue super dog cape and crown back on and went back to observing the wonderful world.  Kisses🙏🏻

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