=" mingusandthebitch: Gracie, the biker chick


Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Gracie, the biker chick

Hi Mingus,

Long time no blog I know!  I spent 2014 recovering from brain surgery.  What's your excuse?  Right, you can't type.  Really, no one there can type?  Cool!  Do you communicate by thought, like you and I do?

So, guess what?  I adopted a biker chick of a dog that got left at uncle Dal's farm and that was too nasty for anyone but me to live with.  We changed her name from KC to GRACIE, sort of like we gave Chase his puppy name back after that family had called him Arthur for 2 years.  Turns out Gracie isn't evil, just a biker chick from the country.  She acts tough but she's a big love bug.  You would have her trained for city life in no time.  I'm a stupid human so it is taking me a little longer (to stop her policing EVERYTHING!).

Yes I realize she isn't a pure bred.  What a snob you have become!  She doesn't eat poo either, so there.  

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