=" mingusandthebitch: One Month Since You Died, Mingus


Thursday, December 18, 2008

One Month Since You Died, Mingus

Gorgeous Mingus,

It's flaky here. I'm thinking about how you frolicked in the snow, and how you licked my face when I laid down to make angels in the snow after a big snow fall, and how we went cross country skiing together and you would run up and down the slope making sure I was okay.... remember our trips to Banff?

Can you still remember when you are dead?

Okay, you are haunting me. I'm sorry I said you weren't. I just don't really want to be haunted, like a house that isn't habitable or saleable because it gets locked in an historical event and garners a reputation completely attached to something other people can't cope with... like death....

It's Christmas again--yet it isn't without you.... you know the drill....

Thanks for haunting me; I miss you so.

The Bitch

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