=" mingusandthebitch: September 2013


Thursday, September 26, 2013

Chelsea's Gone Dancing With Mingus Forever

Chelsea is back by my side!!!  Did you hear me?  Chelsea is back by my side.  The Bitch rang Chase and I up yesterday to tell us to meet Chelsea's 11 o'clock elevator this morning.  I WAS SO EXCITED!!!!!!!!!!!!  BUT IT WAS SUCH SHORT NOTICE TO PREPARE A PARTY!!!  Luckily Chase and I learned how to put a great party together during the years we lived with The Bitch on Earth so we sprang into action and worked all night and found all of her old buddies.  Chase even had time to spend worrying over which hat he should wear to meeting her elevator this morning.  Anyway, I have to get back to the party--I'm just having a rest cause she's crazy for dancing and I'm outta shape since I arrived here 5 years before she did and I didn't realize that when she showed up she'd want to dance ALL NIGHT!!!!  Good thing I ordered extra smoked salmon and liver pate cause she arrived RAVENOUS too.  She said she'd given up on her body and feeding it a couple of days ago on Earth.  Just wanted you all to know back on Earth that we love you still (and feel sorry for you) and will be ready to meet your elevators when they arrive (Jeez, could  you try for a little more notice though if you want your arrival catered!!!)

Mingus, Chase and CHELSEA!!!  (I'm so in love again.  I'd forgotton how much I love Chelsea!!!  I'm feeling all kinda goofy inside.  Soon I'll be acting more like Chase if I don't regain my composure!  Looks like we're Tangoing next!  Bye.............)

My Zimbio
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