=" mingusandthebitch: November 2011


Saturday, November 19, 2011


Dear Mingus,

Yesterday was the third anniversary of your going in the elevator without me FOREVER. You'd think by now I would have stopped missing you but the truth is that there really is no replacement for quirky, loving, devoted YOU. I was thinking the other morning while looking at the portrait of you that Tom Miller painted that even in that portrait there is a "Mingus-energy" which is so reassuring ... he captured in your face the way you ALWAYS had my back as they say.

This picture is of my little friend, Ms. Rosie. (Yes, I know, she's sleeping in your bed.) You'd like her, she has telepathy beat ;-). I haven't seen her walk through walls like the Benson-poodle, but I'm sure she could if she wanted to.

So, while I know there will never be another Mingus, I'm thinking that perhaps after the 4th anniversary of your death I'll adopt a pooch who we can try to encourage to fill the big fat void you left when you took that elevator. Would that be okay?

Love and kisses,
the bitch

My Zimbio
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